Stock > Labeling > Print container labels 

Use this function to mass print or reprint the license plate number labels you have selected.

As a reminder, you can also choose to print those labels:
  • during the creation of the License plate numbers,
  • during the stock receipt of the numbers (this requires a setup at the level of the entry transaction).


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Enter your selection criteria in the header then click Search to display the list of license plate numbers whose labels are to be printed.



Enter the main selection criteria for license plate numbers.
To access additional selection criteria, click Criteria.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Renseignez obligatoirement le site. Il est initialisé par défaut avec le site associé à votre profil fonction.

Start - end range

Enter from container used to select recordings to be processed.

Enter to container used to select recordings to be processed.

Enter from license plate number used to select recordings to be processed.

Enter to license plate number used to select recordings to be processed.

  • From location (field LOCSTR)

Enter from location used to select recordings to be processed.

  • To location (field LOCEND)

Enter to location used to select recordings to be processed.



Tab Container labels


This table loads after clicking Search.
The table displays the list of license plate numbers which match the specified selection criteria.

On each of the lines whose label is to be printed:

  • Set the Yes/No flag to ‘Yes’.
  • Enter:
      • the number of labels,
      • the label format,
      • the destination printer.
  • Click Print.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Y/N (field TRT)

By default, every line has to be processed.
Click on No from the Actions icon, which can be accessed at the beginning of the line, to mass assign this value to the lines.

This field cannot be entered. It displays the selected container.

Ce champ n'est pas saisissable. Il rappelle le numéro de contenant sélectionné.

This field cannot be entered. It displays the location type for the location.

This field cannot be entered. It displays the location where the license plate number is recorded.

  • Status (field LPNSTAT)

This field cannot be entered. It indicates if the license plate number is 'Free' or already used and including stock.

  • Single-product (field MONITMFLG)

This field cannot be entered. It indicates if the container is managed in single-product or not.

  • Single-lot (field MONLOTFLG)

This field cannot be entered. It indicates if the container is managed in single-lot or not.

  • Number of labels (field LBENBR)

Enter the number of labels to be printed.

Select the label format. The format is based on the format defined in the Container setup.
If you modify the format, click Update column from the Actions icon on the field to apply this modification to the following lines. The update of the Destination is also taken into account, if it has been modified.

Enter destination printer. The default printer can be defined at two levels:

  • The more detailed level set up in the Destinations by user function. It makes it possible to customize the destination for each report by user.
  • It is also possible to specify their destination in the reports.
  • The destination defined in the User record is used by default.
  • Server (field SERIMP)


  • Printer (field DEFIMP)




Action icon

Line(s) addition

Click this action to apply the Yes value to all lines.

Line(s) addition

Click this action to apply the No value to all lines.




Specific actions

Click this action to load the table with the list of license plate numbers meeting the entered selection criteria.

Click this action to launch the printing of labels.
This printing generates a single file with 1 label per page.
Each label includes:

  • The site code.
  • The license plate number displayed as a bar code with a font size of 128 followed by the number.
  • The container reference and description.

Click this action to access the additional selection criteria with respect to the criteria entered in the header. For example, you can use these criteria to select only ‘In stock’ license plate numbers and/or numbers whose labels have not been printed.

  • To save your selections, click Memo and define a memo code.
  • To display a saved selection, click Recall and enter the memo code.
  • To clear a saved selection, click Delete memo and enter the memo code.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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